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I have been struggling with depression, anxiety, panic attacks and fibromyalgia. I have a wonderful husband and a 2 year old daughter. I am asking for prayer as I have been feeling lonely and empty. I know that God is a healer and He can perform miracles. I know that His name is above all mental health, disease and anything our on earth bodies may endure. I pray for better days. I pray to be the mom and wife I want to be. I pray that I could feel the warmth of the sun soon. I pray that I can get through this season. Prayers are appreciated and I am so grateful for the time and thoughts. Please especially pray for my husband and daughter. May our Lord bless them, give them the strength day to day and continue to know You. Thank you all.


For my Father, for him to seek God and for God to speak to him and guide him down the right path and change his heart. For him to see clearly and remember he is a child of God and he is loved, for God to protect him and give him the wisdom to understand what needs to change. For him to remember what is really important and why he is here. Please pray for his sobriety, for God to get him off the streets, and for our relationship to heal. Please pray for me to accept, forgive, understand, and give him grace.


Success wisdom victory


Prayer for Andrew Pick To lose weight and get to healthy weight and keep it off for good in Jesus name amen also please pray for healing for my voice God to restore it back to normal and God to increase my energy levels so I have more energy in my days and protection from negative thoughts and emotions thank you Jesus also please pray God to bless my jujitsu and give me strength to return to class for my exercise praise God thank you Jesus and God to draw close to me and feel God's presence and increase faith and protection


Salvation to get saved born again God to remove spiritual blindness and hear from God in special way increase my faith and protection also pray for God to help me

miracle prayer wall

Welcome to Turning Point Church's miracle prayer wall. You are welcome to share your prayers with the community here, write an anonymous prayer, share a prayer with the church staff only, or pray for other prayers on this page. We are all a community, nobody prays alone. Please share your prayers & requests here with us.